art salon x dining x community
Salonnière™ is reimagining the art experience for both the debutant and veteran art collector.
Salonnière™ curates intimate art experiences with an aim to create a global community of modern collectors. Our focus is on emerging international art markets and artists + designers that remain insufficiently represented in the United States.
Salonnière™ art salons offer intimate conversation in unconventional spaces with featured artists, hosted by guest "Salonnieres" from the community, in partnership with emerging locally-sourced culinary artists, music talent, and beverage designers.
In time the Salonniere™ experience will include a private online community and platform that offers edited collections of art, design and other art objects in line with the theme of each Salonniere art salon. This will include unique table art, cocktail, textiles, and fashion designs from featured countries that allow our members to "travel" as part of each exhibition and to host salons in their own living rooms.
art salon
Salonnière /salɒnɪˈɛː/ is a French word that means “a woman who holds salons.”
Salonnière™ takes its name from the trailblazing women in Latin America, the Arab world, and Europe, who hosted salons in their homes and influenced the cultural dialogue of their times by doing so. Salons acted as intellectual, political, and artistic launching pads for emerging artists and thinkers.
Salonnière™ seeks to revive this tradition in modern urban settings as both a complement and an alternative to the conventional art gallery. It brings art back into living rooms and other intimate spaces over conversation and interactive experience.
Each art salon is hosted by a guest Salonniere (woman) or Salonnier (man) who is, her or himself, a change agent, cultural influencer, contrarian, diplomat, thinker, or activist in the community. This allows our community and the featured artist to enjoy the arts of food and conversation while also appreciating and collecting art.
Salonnière™ art salons pair locally sourced emerging chefs, farmers, spirits makers, and rising star beverage designers over engaging conversation with artists and our community of change agents.
We are a global community of 21st century art collectors, thinkers, change agents, and connaisseurs. Our community includes art patrons, technologists, innovators, politicos, diplomats, creatives, bon vivants, activists, educators, and everyday people who are interested in buying art and unique design objects but want something different than the traditional art experience. We want to collect art for enjoyment and investment. We want to meet artists and interact with them in an intimate, engaging setting, and follow their careers through our community.
We are Salonnière™.